Simplifying and streamlining the permitting process of higher-risk tasks, for the safety of your team.
Sennen’s Set to Work function already covers tasks that fall within the Wind Turbine Safety Rules (WTSR). As an enhancement to this, we have been developing a module that supports the more extraordinary tasks, which require additional specific qualifications and procedures.
Sennen’s ‘Permit to Work’ module goes beyond meeting just the general safety requirements. It ensures that your offshore wind farm teams have the correct qualifications and permissions, and are following the correct procedures to get the job done safely. This is especially relevant when carrying out higher-risk activities, such as confined space entry and hot work tasks.
Sennen’s ‘Permit to Work’ module adds an extra layer of protection by creating a more auditable record, offering you the means to unite all of your safety rules into a single platform that ultimately allows you to manage and record WTSR and Permits to Work together.
Integrate SCADA data to automate permit checkpoints, confirming key stages of work have been completed.
Automate release of keys from locker systems to relevant, qualified and approved individuals.
Use data integration to block permit progression and warn technicians when weather conditions deteriorate.
Obtain an overview of all permit statuses allowing you to control multiple permits in multiple locations.
Our approach is to work closely with you to understand your needs.
Discover how Permit to Work can be tailored to your business requirements.
Expert quote
Paul Grimshaw, CTO at Sennen
“An important part of our role as suppliers to the sector is to challenge the status quo and examine how things can be done smarter. We know that technology, when it’s crafted for a specific purpose, has the capacity to completely transform how things are done. Technology is one of the many tools needed to do a job well, and there is a real opportunity for it to improve the industry’s safety record.”